Week 1 - CAP, CTIA , Romania
Week 1

Placed by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021/Oct/3

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Week 1

Placed by LILIANA BABĂ 2021/Oct/3

URL to Video on OneDrive

What is the climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Nicoleta Secosan 2021/Oct/3

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Week 1. Planet Earth
Week 1

Placed by Alina Frățilă 2021/Oct/3

URL to Video on OneDrive

The Causes of air pollution
Week 1

Placed by T.K. Brigitta 2021/Oct/3
G.P.P. 34
Europe Romania

Cauzele schimbării climatice
Week 1

Placed by Simona Tuculia 2021/Oct/3

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