Cimate Changes Causes
Week 1

Placed by Ionel Cirnaru 2021/Oct/4

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Week 1: Impactul poluarii asupra Planetei. Cauze
Week 1

Placed by ANA VIRLAN 2021/Oct/4

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Earth and climate change
Week 1

Placed by Monica Nistor 2021/Oct/4

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Causes of climate change
Week 1

Placed by LILIANA ȘETREANU 2021/Oct/4

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Efectele consecințele schimbărilor climatice
Week 2

Placed by Iulica-Daniela Ardeiu 2021/Oct/4
Colegiul Tehnic Motru
Europe Romania

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Cauzele schimbarilor climatice
Week 1

Placed by Iulica-Daniela Ardeiu 2021/Oct/4
Colegiul Tehnic Motru
Europe Romania

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