Vasiliki Strataki

One idea to approach the World Relay Theme "Running Out of Time" in the classroom at the Climate Summit COP27, in Egypt, 5th November, is to study the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the participating States, in order to highlight many of our similarities, but also our common imperative Action for Climate: Diversity, Equality and common Future.
Τhe students in my class decided to find more information about the glaciers of the countries that the Global Climate Relay "Running Out of Time" crosses, Summit COP27, at 5th November in Egypt, when they watched the video "Norway-Briksdal Glacier" https://youtu.be/nqcHKD4BScw
The video contains images and a few interviews of visitors and residents from the area and it was created after my trip to Norway in August 2022.
So, from an experience that is more emotionally familiar to children, we “traveled” to collect information, observe, study, compare, experiment, conclude and be active citizens.
The Relay in the neighborhood grove
Students made their own relays from recyclable materials and ran a relay race in the neighborhood grove. In the school yard everyone wrote and painted slogans about the environment and climate change.
This world can get better. Change always starts with education.
We support the global message on the baton:
Climate Change Education Now!
We discovered our ecological footprint (hand) and carbon footprint (footprint). We played a floor game "My magic 24 hours" to inspire the children with ideas that will help in practice to make our daily lives more sustainable.
With a game of Bingo we understood what we can do to save the planet!