Tuba Dumlu Güler

Gases caused by fossil fuels cause climate change. Erzurum city in Turkey has a very cold climate. Fossil fuel is used for heating for 8 months. These fossil fuels become greenhouse gases. It causes climate change. Students discussed the causes of climate change in class. Afterwards, they presented their friends with visual posters.
Actions were taken in our school to raise awareness about climate change. The causes of climate change were shown with posters and posters. We planted seeds and saplings in our school garden. We talked about the importance of trees and plants. We learned the importance of trees to combat climate change. In order to remind the importance of planting trees, we donated trees thanks to environmental foundations in our country.
Students discussed the global causes and consequences of climate change. They prepared posters according to cause and effect. Students learned about the impact of climate change on biodiversity. They identified the endangered creatures in our immediate environment. They informed their friends about the endangered creatures. They know that if the climate changes, many living things will perish. They know that the precipitation will decrease and there will be droughts.
Students made group work and listed their solution suggestions about climate change. They presented their solution proposals to each other and to other classes in the school. They designed digital posters to inform about solution proposals. They shared the digital posters with both their friends and teachers. They published the posters from the social media account created by our school about climate change. So they reached more community.
Our students in our school chatted with students from neighboring schools. They told them about climate change. They made presentations in the school garden.
They talked about living things that are in danger of extinction due to climate change. They wear masks of endangered animals. They used waste bottle caps and designed an educational game. There were animals in the game that were in danger of extinction. Thus, the wastes turned into materials again. And the awareness game was designed.
The academician, who is a climate ambassador in our country, made an online presentation. Both students and families listened to this presentation.
We watched the speakers of the climate action project from youtu.be. We were going to visit the mayor for the last week, but it didn't happen. Because the president was out of town. We will visit next week and share it with the newspapers.