We decided to start Cap 2022 with a Kick Off activity inspired by @Koen Timmers "Create your own Bioplastics from Milk and Vinegar" and we decided to create our own biodegradable plastics. Do you want to know how we did it? Check our video !
The students of the 6th grade brainstormed and discussed in plenary the effects of climate change in Greece like extreme weather conditions . They shared their experiences and then, they decide to create animations using programming (scratch 3. 0)to present their work.
The scratch animations will be uploaded (it's still an ongoing activity ) to this library :https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32211590.
They decided to act:
1) by founding their own environmental committee
2) by planting trees at school
1)The students brainstormed and searched on the internet to find out if animals in Greece are threatened by climate change. They found a lot of information and learned how to distinguish trusted sources from not-so-reliable ones. Does the article have an author? Does it mention its sources? Does it have a date on it? Can they find the same information in a least 3 other sites?
2)Then, during the computer science and ICT course, they decided to create animations using the coding platform Scratch3.0.
Here is the link: it's still an ongoing procedure
3) they connect with a school from India and a school from Brazil to exchange their experiences, thoughts, ideas and be part of an international environmental community.
Link to our online collaborative padlet
Technology and especially new emerging technologies can help up save the environment. Lastly, AI is helping to understand the complex interplay of climate impacts on our Earth system, and how climate change is impacting our oceans. Students played "AI for Oceans" from code.org to teach an agent how to clean the oceans. They also played the Minecraft Education Hour of code "AI 4 good" where they taught a robot to navigate the forest and collect data. This data will help the robot to predict where fires will occur. Then they coded the Agent to help prevent the spread of fire, save the village, and bring life back into the forest. Next the students used their BBC Microbit controller to build a plant watering alarm.
Students of different countries used a collaborative padlet to share their findings, thoughts and actions between them.
The students of our school shared
1)videos about:
2) presentations about
3) animations they coded with Scratch 3.0 about environmental issues
Our students will join the call for universal Quality Climate Education, take part in a range of fun activities, and engage with programmes and resources from environmental education organisations!
They also took part in the Global Running Out of Time Relay 2022, running for the Climate.