Cornelia Alina Mot

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School: Gavojdia Secondary Schol 25 students are involved The average age of the students: 8 Año

Projects 2022

Causes of pollution discovered in our town

În prima săptămână, elevii mei și cu mine am încercat să descoperim cauzele poluării din localitatea noastră prin drumeții și descoperiri.

What are the effects of climate change

Many people consider global warming and climate change to be synonymous, but scientists prefer to use "climate change" when describing the complex changes now affecting our planet's weather and climate conditions. Climate change includes not only rising average temperatures, but also extreme weather events, shifting populations and habitats of wild animals, growing seas, and a host of other impacts. All of these changes occur while humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Week 3

Week 3
Of course, these problems cause and effects are local, but also global
There are other environmental problems (pollution, water, biodiversity.

Week 3

Week 3
Of course, these problems cause and effects are local, but also global
There are other environmental problems (pollution, water, biodiversity.

solutions for climate change

 solutions for climate change

share findings and solutions

share findings and solutions

Week 6

Of course, these problems cause and effects are local, but also global

There are other environmental problems (pollution, water, biodiversity


Images by Cornelia Alina Mot 2022-10-01Mot
Images by Cornelia Alina Mot 2022-10-06Mot
Images by Cornelia Alina Mot 2022-10-13Mot
Images by Cornelia Alina Mot 2022-10-19Mot
Images by Cornelia Alina Mot 2022-10-24Mot
Images by Cornelia Alina Mot 2022-11-04Mot