This week the students deduced the concept of climate change. They determined the causes that lead to climate change in the Republic of Moldova. They analyzed various materials and presented in videos the causes that lead to climate change in Moldova, as well as the reckless actions of people towards nature.
In the second week, the students analyzed the effects of climate change at the local level. They watched videos submitted by other teams to infer the effects of climate change across the planet. They determined whether they played in the video and present ppt the local effects on flora, fauna, weather patterns and human activity. They distinguished between cause and effect by solving interactive exercises. To save the planet, we joined the action #plantED (global tree planting) and planted trees on the grounds of the institution.
The students analyzed the causes and effects of global climate change and studied various films from other countries
This week, together with the students, we offer solutions related to the climate crisis
Săptămâna aceasta studenții au solicitat feedback de la profesori, experți în domeniu. Ei au propus soluții cu referire la acțiunea climatică.
This week the students made leaflets that were distributed, participated in tree planting and organized flash mob.