RBKIA International Collaborations
Week 3

Placed by Amruta Ghayal 2021/Oct/17
RBK International Academy
Asia India


Our Students enjoyed Week 3 of the Climate Action Project by collaborating Internationally with students across various countries like Malaysia, Ukraine, Macedonia, USA, Cameroon, Portugal and so on. We all shared our CAP Journey with each other. We also discussed the environmental issues that threaten our local commuities and we found many similarities between our local problems. We also discussed the effects and then brainstormed some solutions which we all can undertake to fight climate change. All in on these were wonderful sessions and we got an opportunity to connect with students all over the World. Some of our students also interviewed their older relatives and aquaintances staying in other countries on Climate change issues and how climate has changed over time. 

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Images by Amruta Ghayal 2021-10-05Ghayal
Images by Amruta Ghayal 2021-10-10Ghayal
Images by Amruta Ghayal 2021-10-17Ghayal
Images by Amruta Ghayal 2021-10-25Ghayal
Images by Amruta Ghayal 2021-11-03Ghayal