Luz Alicia Gonzalez Ramos



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School: Colegio Valle de Filadelfia Aguascalientes 15 students are involved

Projects 2022

CVF Week1- Definition, causes and connection.

Sixth Grade students - English as a second Language,

Students show a little bit of their reasearch about climate change, its causes, and the connection with them.

From Aguascalientes, México. Colegio Valle de Filadelfia. 

Effects of Climate Change

Students watcched different videos, research information about it, and came up uth a mind map using their information (team work).

Week 3

Students shared infromation and the work they have done through this Project and previous work, through a video conference among students of their age from India.


Images by Luz Alicia Gonzalez Ramos 2022-11-04Gonzalez Ramos
Images by Luz Alicia Gonzalez Ramos 2022-11-04Gonzalez Ramos