Matilde Azenha

Co-teacher: Fátima Gonçalves, Geni Gomes e Fátima Silvestre


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School: Agrupamento de escolas Condeixa - a - Nova 70 students are involved The average age of the students: 15-18 Year

Projects 2022

causing climate change locally

students discussed, debated and concluded which local causes enhance climate change

What are the effects of Climate Change locally?

Students researched, interviewed and discussed the effects of climate change in the school's region

Climate change solutions!

Students researched and debated and suggested some some of the possible solutions to stop climate change

during week 3 of the project.


Some of the potential solutions to climate change and/or specific environmental issues

Algumas das potenciais soluções para as mudanças climáticas e/ou questões ambientais específicas

Concrete actions to reduce/minimize climate change

Students researched, discussed and decided to take action to reduce/minimize climate change. Advise and enforce Rs policy


Images by Matilde Azenha 2022-11-26Azenha
Images by Matilde Azenha 2022-11-07Azenha
Images by Matilde Azenha 2022-11-07Azenha
Images by Matilde Azenha 2022-11-07Azenha
Images by Matilde Azenha 2022-11-16Azenha
Images by Matilde Azenha 2022-11-26Azenha