Miriam Mason-Sesay

Miriam Mason, PhD (Bio)

Born in the UK, Miriam studied languages, trained as a teacher and taught there for 8 years before heading out to start EducAid’s first school in Sierra Leone. The idea was to provide free, high quality education that would enable some of the poorest in Sierra Leone to take themselves out of poverty and their communities with them.

Since 2000, she has led the organisation to establish values-led programming to achieve a bold vision of a dignified, democratic and globally engaged Sierra Leone where poverty is eradicated by educated citizens.

Solutions to climate change
Week 3

Placed by Kabiru Ibrahim Mansaray 2019/Oct/22

Th effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Kabiru Ibrahim Mansaray 2019/Oct/14

Th effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Kabiru Ibrahim Mansaray 2019/Oct/14

The Causes for climate change
Week 1

Placed by Kabiru Ibrahim Mansaray 2019/Oct/7
