What is climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Cătălina Purdilă 2021/Oct/23

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Impactul Schimbărilor climatice de la local la global
Week 3

Placed by Iuliana Maria Costea 2021/Oct/23

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Efectele schimbărilor climatice la nivel local
Week 2

Placed by Iuliana Maria Costea 2021/Oct/23

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We are the solution, not the problem.
Week 6

Placed by Ionelia Fricosu 2021/Oct/23

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Cum stopam schimbarile climatice?
Week 4

Placed by Lacramioara Fira 2021/Oct/23

Cauzele schimbarilor climatice
Week 3

Placed by Lacramioara Fira 2021/Oct/23
