What is climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Irene Confalone 2020/Oct/1

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Week 1

Placed by Stella Ficai 2020/Sep/29

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Climate change Minecraft
Week 3

Placed by Giovanna Piras 2019/Nov/16

Creative solutions by students of Liceo Don Gnocchi
Week 4

Placed by Angela Lucia Capezzuto 2019/Nov/8

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Video for week 3
Week 3

Placed by Alessandra Pallavicini 2019/Oct/29
ISIS Galilei
Europe Italy

One experiment together to learn more
Week 4

Placed by Irene Confalone 2019/Oct/28

URL to Document

3° week
Week 3

Placed by Irene Confalone 2019/Oct/28

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