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call on government, send a letter, contact press, go on a flashmob or march, plant a tree, etc. Webinar with speakers from NASA, WWF, UN, students and maybe a celebrity
Week 6

Placed by Saloni Bhatt 2022/Oct/30
CNM School
Asia India

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Virtual (live) interactions between students: students share findings and solutions Call to action
Week 5

Placed by Saloni Bhatt 2022/Oct/30
CNM School
Asia India

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5. hafta İklim değişikliği çözümleri
Week 5

Placed by Mehtap Topçu 2022/Oct/30

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Students meeting
Week 5

Placed by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022/Oct/30

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Week 4

Placed by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022/Oct/30
