This week the preschoolers from the middle group, from the kindergarten with extended program no.1 Caransebes - structure of the kindergarten with extended program no.2 Caransebes found out what the climate means and what are the causes of the climatic changes in the city of Caransebeș - Romania, watching a short video Paxi and the greenhouse effect
Preschoolers watched the effects of climatic changes in the cities of three countries participating in the project: Egypt, Africa and Europe
The small environmentalists from the kindergarten with extended program no.1 in Caransebeș found out from a short film about the environment and which are discussed the causes and effects of global warming and how we can prevent it.
The preschoolers with the educator have found as solutions to prevent global warming:
1. Selective waste of waste
2. Planting of trees
The children were divided into teams and made and painted trees to surround the planet Earth and then the air becomes breathable.
Robo The ecologist came to kindergarten to teach him how to selectively collect the waste in the group room.
The small environmentalists from the kindergarten with extended program no.1 from Caransebeș met online with the preschoolers from the kindergarten with the extended program of the sunflower in Reșița through the Googlemeet platform. They discussed the causes and effects of global warming.
The preschoolers from the kindergarten with extended program no.1 from Caransebeș - the structure of the kindergarten with extended program no.2 from Caransebeș participated for 6 weeks in the International Climate Action project.
The project was carried out in partnership with NASA, UN and WWF and wants to change students' behavior on climate change and environmental threats.
Within the project, over 3,400,000 students from 149 countries participated, with the same purpose: "saving the planet from global warming".
Within this project the preschoolers, guided by the educating ladies Vlasie Elena Vasilica, Ianchiș Adriana Vasilica, Iacob Diana, Daminescu Oana, Crăciunescu Sîrbu Cristina, Ștefan Lucica and Vrînceanu Nicoleta made drawings, posters, watched presentations about the causes and effects of the climatic changes. Romania as well as from the other countries participating in the project, made online meetings with preschoolers from other kindergartens involved.