Environmental issues
Week 3

Placed by Bronwen Bron 2021/Oct/28
International School of Cape Town
Africa South Africa
Western Cape


We as a Keystage have been supporting Eco-brick making. Children have been learning about the negative impact plastic is having on our earth. We have been making them think about where their plastic waste goes after it has been put into the bin. 

Many of our children took on this idea of creating Eco-bricks using clean non-recyclable waste. Not only have they taken to this idea but some children have gone into their communities to share their new knowledge and inspire others to also do their bit. 

This past week I took over 70 Eco Bricks to the Eco brick depo so that they can be used to build houses this was my second drop off for this term.

This project is an ongoing project that educates our children about their waste. What plastic is recyclable and what is not as well as encouraging our children to reduce their waste, reuse what they can, recycle what they can and refuse as many items packed in plastics as possible.

Part 2 of our Eco Garden is that we are busy designing and building a bench out of some of these Eco bricks that we have collected to place in our Eco Garden.


Images by Bronwen Bron 2021-10-28Bron
Images by Bronwen Bron 2021-10-28Bron
Images by Bronwen Bron 2021-10-28Bron