Clontuskert Galway Ireland Week 1 Submission
Week 1

Placed by Kate Murray 2017/Oct/6


St. Augustine's N.S. is a small rural school in Co. Galway in the west of Ireland. The school is the first primary Microsoft Showcase School in the Republic of Ireland.

This week the students of Clontuskert worked in teams to gather information, research and explore the theme of Cliamte Change. This was an exploratory week driven by the thoughts and ideas of the students. They used OneNote to collate their information and following brainstorming sessions decided how they would approach the filming process. Check out our film and let us know what you think by tweeting us on @clontuskertns




Brainstorming during Climate Action Project in Clontuskert
Brainstorming during Climate Action Project in Clontuskert
Clontuskert Ireland at Microsoft DreamSpace
Images by Kate Murray 2020-10-19Murray
Images by Kate Murray 2021-10-21Murray