The 3 P's: Let's make our Priority; Protect and Preserve our Planet
Week 1
Placed by Manuela Valentim 2017/Oct/3
The Portuguese Students are ready to go.
Tons of ideas and a month to make it happen:
- A Cleaning Action Plan in our Natural Park "Ria Formosa"
- Buiding Wind Turbines with Recycled Materials
- Going on a Field Trip to see how a Wind Turbine works
- Paint a Mural at school about Biodiversity with the help of a well known local urban artist
What is Climate Change?
Students made a general approach to what is Climate Change:
•How Climate Change became no longer a result of Natural Events and started to be the result of Human Activities
•Who/What is being affected by it
•Its Consequences in the different Social-Economic Sectors
•How to Prevent it
• A word of Advise
Climate Change: Is it a Game we can afford to Lose???
- Natural and Human Factors
What can we do to avoid it?