Week 2: Local Effects of Climate Change with local solutions
Week 2

Placed by Carmen Clay 2022/Oct/12
Grandma's Family Homeschool
North America USA

Effects of Climate Change in Different parts of the World
Week 2

Placed by Gabriela Duarte 2022/Oct/10
Alexander Bain Irapuato
North America Mexico

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DCP Climate Action Project Week 1
Week 1

Placed by Melissa Flynn 2022/Oct/6

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CAP - Week 1: Causes of Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Kim Gill 2022/Oct/6
Ryerson P.S.
North America Canada

Week 1

Placed by Kenia Rivero 2022/Oct/6
Colegio Latino
North America Mexico

URL to Document

Week 1, 2022, Weather, Climate, Climate Change, Causes
Week 1

Placed by Carmen Clay 2022/Oct/3
Grandma's Family Homeschool
North America USA
