Climate action project-First lesson-Bumbaru Mariana Lenuța, Școala Gimnazială Nr.22 Galați
Week 1

Placed by Mariana Lenuța Bumbaru 2020/Oct/1

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We are small, but strong!
Week 1

Placed by Daniela Florentina Roibu 2020/Oct/1

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Sometimes it's all about magic!
Week 1

Placed by Nicoleta Livia BARBU 2020/Oct/1

Schimbarea climatică
Week 1

Placed by Antónia Imola Péterfi 2020/Oct/1

URL to Video on OneDrive

Schimbările cilamtice
Week 1

Placed by ILDIKÓ IMRE 2020/Oct/1
Europe Romania

URL to Video on OneDrive

Boarta Roxana - Liceul Teoretic Carol I - Fetesti, Romania
Week 1

Placed by Roxana Boarta 2020/Oct/1
Liceul Teoretic Carol I
Europe Romania

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