Why climate changes happen?
Week 1

Placed by Natasa Vrapcevic 2020/Oct/1

Our local causes of climate change
Week 1

Placed by Ewa Wink-Zapalska 2020/Oct/1

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Climate change causes
Week 1

Placed by Cécile THOMAS 2020/Oct/1

The local problems
Week 1

Placed by Zavalniyk Nataliya 2020/Oct/1
specialized school
Europe Ukraine

URL to Video on OneDrive
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Săptămâna 1 Pământul cere ajutor!
Week 1

Placed by Rodica Hele 2020/Oct/1

URL to Video on OneDrive

Week 2

Placed by Zavalniyk Nataliya 2020/Oct/1
specialized school
Europe Ukraine

Ckimate Cchange
Week 1

Placed by Sakine Rüzgar 2020/Oct/1

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