Week 1

Placed by Dagmara Konopkova 2020/Oct/12


We brainstormed about the meaning of Climate Change, using a picture of polluted Kathmandu as a provocation. Then we listened to Prince Ae and his Sorry: message for future generations. Then we noted down words that pop into our mind when speaking of climate change and then sorted them out into our own definition of climate change. We made a few versions. In the end, we decided how we would show our understanding. Some students made a video explanation, some designed a poster, some made an online booklet and others wrote messages for future generations. 

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document


Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2020-10-12Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2020-10-12Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2020-11-03Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2020-11-04Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2021-10-14Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2021-11-02Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2021-11-02Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2021-11-02Konopkova
Images by Dagmara Konopkova 2021-11-02Konopkova