Projects of Week 2

Week 2: Alone in this journey for the time being
Week 2

Placed by Carmen Clay 2020/Oct/11
North America USA


As a student-teacher of this program, I continue to read the curriculum to enhance my personal knowledge.  I am also creating PP with videos I am finding from the web and linking recommended activities to my class age group.  As family schedules do not allow me to be with my grandchildren on a set schedule, I need to wait to interact with them when the parents' schedule permits it.  Then, I need to navigate through what the kids interest is at the moment to guide them to my lesson plan without forcing the issue.

Find my second week preliminary PP here 


Images by Carmen Clay 2020-11-01Clay
Images by Carmen Clay 2021-11-03Clay
Images by Carmen Clay 2021-11-04Clay
Images by Carmen Clay 2021-11-03Clay
Images by Carmen Clay 2021-11-03Clay
Images by Carmen Clay 2021-11-03Clay
Images by Carmen Clay 2021-11-04Clay