Angelika Shatilova

We are high school students from Cracow who are eager to attract society's attention to climate issues. We prefer to act instead of standing apart.


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School: Cracow International School 20 students are involved The average age of the students: 16-19 Year

Projects 2022

The plan of Climate Action Project 2023-2024

This week we have discussed the activities which we want to do in the frame of the Climate Action Project.

We have also discussed how to motivate our school community to participate in the project.

There is a group of students which has decided to collaborate tightly to increase the awareness of the school community.

We have also studied Sustainable Development Goals to see which aspects could also be useful for us throughout the project.

The lesson for primary school kids

This week our students have started working with the plan of lessons for primary school children. it's a bit hard for us, anyway we have put much effort to achieve the result and create beautiful and effective lessons.

The plan of two lessons is in the attached file


Images by Angelika Shatilova 2023-10-05Shatilova
Images by Angelika Shatilova 2023-10-10Shatilova