Taking Actions
Week 4

Placed by Sophia Kouzouli 2021/Oct/26



(i) Crack the code and see the hidden Gaia’s Buddy.

In pairs Ss convert the binary into bitmaps. They use white to represent 0 and black to represent 1

(ii) Who can Gaia’s Buddies be? Make your own images and codes

Ss make a picture and convert the bitmaps into binary, using a “0” to represent a white pixel and a “1” to represent a black pixel.

(iii) Upload your codes on the http://linoit.com/users/SophiaK-40/canvases/Gaia%27s%20Buddies%20crack%20the%20codeand the images other students are expected to decode.

URL to Document


Images by Sophia Kouzouli 2020-10-04Kouzouli
Images by Sophia Kouzouli 2021-10-26Kouzouli