Week 3 - CAP, CTIA, Romania
Week 3

Placed by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021/Oct/20


Students looked for information about climate change that can affect us globally.

There have been debates about this topic and students were really focused on finding as many arguments to support their opinions. 


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Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-10-17Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-10-17Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc