Symbiosis International School collaborated with DPSG Palam Vihar, Gurugram INDIA
Week 3

Placed by Dipsikha Mishra Mishra 2021/Oct/18
Symbiosis International School
Asia India


We collaborated with another school from Gurugram in India & had a fantastic time sharing and learning from eachother. Our learners shared the causes-effects & solutions of climate change!! It was heart-warming to witness little kids present with so much enthusiasm! 

URL to Video on OneDrive


Images by Dipsikha Mishra Mishra 2021-10-18Mishra
Images by Dipsikha Mishra Mishra 2021-10-18Mishra
Images by Dipsikha Mishra Mishra 2021-10-18Mishra
Images by Dipsikha Mishra Mishra 2021-10-18Mishra