Climate Change - CNM School - INDIA
Week 1

Placed by Kavita Sanghvi 2017/Oct/5
MET Rishikul Vidyalaya
Asia India


Talented students of CNM School , Mumbai , India have enthusiastically undertaken the project " Climate change".

CNM School has always been concerned about the environmental issues and have an array of green activities which are undertaken regularly by  the students . 

The climate change project has been taken up by 250  students across grade 8 with great fervour.



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Solutions to Climate Change
Images by Kavita Sanghvi 2021-10-14Sanghvi
Images by Kavita Sanghvi 2021-10-14Sanghvi
Images by Kavita Sanghvi 2021-10-14Sanghvi
Images by Kavita Sanghvi 2021-10-18Sanghvi
Images by Kavita Sanghvi 2021-10-28Sanghvi
Images by Kavita Sanghvi 2021-10-28Sanghvi