Preparing our solution
Week 4

Placed by Margaret Simkin 2017/Oct/28
The Hamilton And Alexandra College
Oceania Australia
South West Victoria


As a result of surveying all students via Forms we have decided to produce a calendar for 2018 for our families and local political representatives.  Photographs have been prepared, we just need to confirm how we will proceed from here.  We are also very interested in planting trees so that will  be another activity we want to complete before the end of the school year in December.  60% of the students in my class have indicated that they would like to do something like this again, and they were all pleased to be working with students in so many countries to improve the world that we share. For my part as teacher, I have been pushed to master a number of new skills which will be transferrable to all aspects of my work. My 10 second video for Koen is still coming as I had recorded great video but no sound! Forms, Sway and Office Mix have all been used in a manner that has increased my knowledge.

The Mixes I have made will be upgraded to Microsoft Stream format and the links shared in the appropriate week of this site. This will make our work accessible beyond May 2018 when Office Mix is being retired!


Starting the project