What is Climate Change, Week One
Week 1

Placed by Stefanie Kingzett 2017/Oct/7
Barre Town Middle and Elementary School
North America USA


Our 6th graders started with defining climate and then comparing it to weather.  We brainstormed what the climate is like in our region then we broadened our understanding of what climate change refers to. Our kids seemed to understand that climate change was synonymous with global warming. We also discussed that throughout time, there is evidence to suggest climate change is something that happens periodically. We wondered whether our current climate change is a naturally occuring change or is due to human impact. 

We finalized our week with answering the questions: "What is the cause of climate change? What are the effects of climate change? and What is our own state like?" using emoji symbols on a joint poster. 

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Barre Town School, Vermont, USA
How is Climate Change Affecting Vermont?