Janeta Simona Maravela



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School: Școala Gimnazială Nr 22 Galați 21 students are involved The average age of the students: 8-9 Année

Projects 2022

Efectele schimbărilor climatice

Activitate de conștientizare a efectelor schimbărilor climatice asupra mediului.

Efectele schimbărilor climatice

Activitate de conștientizare a efectelor pe care le au acțiunile oamenilor asupra mediului 

Cauze și efecte

Activitate de conștientizare a cauzelor și efectelor schimbărilor climatice.

Week 4 31607

Students watched a film about causes and effects of climate changes. They talked about solutions  And drew them.


Meeting people

We had a meeting with kids and young people from a Hugh School in  Moldova Republic.

The main subiect was climate solutions.


Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-10-16Maravela
Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-10-16Maravela
Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-10-16Maravela
Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-11-07Maravela
Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-11-07Maravela
Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-11-07Maravela
Images by Janeta Simona Maravela 2022-11-07Maravela