What are causes and effects globally?
Week 3

Placed by Burcu Aslan 2021/Oct/22
Lüleburgaz Lisesi
Europe Turkey

La description: 

     Results in Turkey

  1. It is foreseen that temperatures will have increased by the ending of 2030.
  2. It will cause the loss of biological diversity.
  3. There will be a specific decrease water sources in our country.
  4. It is observed that;
  • Drought and desertification.
  • Loss of agricultural productivity.
  • Increase in the numbers of wildfires and their effects.

     Results in Marmara Region

  1. The change of precipitation regime.
  2. The decrease in frequency and amount of snowing.
  3. The decrease in drinking water in cities.
  4. The decrease of domestic fruits like chestnut, peach, fig and cherry.
  5. Productivity loss in agriculture and stock raising.
  6. The decrease in species and amount of fish.
  7. It is observed that there will be decrease in biological diversity in forest.
  8. It is observed that there will be a increase in illnesses like KOAH, asthma up to coal plants in region with air temperature.








Images by Burcu Aslan 2020-10-10Aslan
Images by Burcu Aslan 2020-10-10Aslan
Images by Burcu Aslan 2021-10-22Aslan
Images by Burcu Aslan 2021-11-02Aslan
Images by Burcu Aslan 2021-11-03Aslan