Lyceum N.M.Spataru Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Larisa Gubina 2021/Oct/20

La description: 

Team " Smile " created some presentations on the topics of Climate Action Projects and informed all classmates about ecological problems in the world and in Moldova, about Climate Change and what we can do to save our planet. Also we have seen some videos of our partners and learn about global eco issues in other countries. Unfortunately this week we were not able to communicate with other students on-line because of national holidays. Here is our video report. Also we have created a padlet page where you can find all our presentations, reports and students's feedback about participation in the project 

URL to Document


Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-18Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-10Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-18Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-25Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-11-01Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-11-09Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-11Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-11Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-20Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-25Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-11-01Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-11-03Gubina