The environmental issues - water pollution
Week 3

Placed by IOANA BIRK 2021/Oct/13
”Cibinium” Technical College
Europe Romania

La description: 

Good evening!

During week 3, together with my students, we tried to take out the information about the environmental issues. 24 students worked very well and they wrote some good projects on this specific topic. They all presented in 2 hours their projects in front of the class. The students were energetic and they realized how important the environmental issues are and they brought some solutions in this respect. I was very satisfied with the results.

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Images by IOANA BIRK 2020-11-14BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2020-11-14BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2020-11-14BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2020-11-14BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2020-11-13BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2020-11-14BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2021-10-13BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2021-10-13BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2021-10-13BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2021-10-13BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2021-10-13BIRK
Images by IOANA BIRK 2021-10-13BIRK