Riding at Lake Balaton 2
Week 1

Placed by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2018/Oct/10


First week we spen a day at the lake, discovering our beautiful nature. Discussing: Why is it beautiful for us? Why do we have to protect it?

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Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2020-10-15Tothne Ban
Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2020-10-15Tothne Ban
Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2020-10-15Tothne Ban
Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2021-10-10Tothne Ban
Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2021-10-08Tothne Ban
Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2021-10-08Tothne Ban
Images by Dondi Gyöngyi Tothne Ban 2021-11-02Tothne Ban