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Week 1

Placed by İlkay Polat 2020/Oct/4

What is Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Burcu Aslan 2020/Oct/4
Lüleburgaz Lisesi
Europe Turkey

what is climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Burcu Aslan 2020/Oct/4
Lüleburgaz Lisesi
Europe Turkey

What is Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Burcu Aslan 2020/Oct/4
Lüleburgaz Lisesi
Europe Turkey

What is climate change and what is causing climate change locally?
Week 1

Placed by Remzi YILMAZ 2020/Oct/3
Asia Turkey

What causes the Earth's Climate to Change?
Week 1

Placed by Çiğdem Teacher 2020/Oct/3

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