Plant a tree to prevent global warming
Week 3

Placed by muna bazara 2019/Oct/13
high school25
Asia Saudi Arabia

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Week 1

Placed by nabiha alrogi 2019/Oct/12

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Be innovative and start changing
Week 1

Placed by Areej Abdullah Alghamdi 2019/Oct/12
high school 13
Asia Saudi Arabia

Plants and their impact on climate
Week 2

Placed by muna bazara 2019/Oct/10
high school25
Asia Saudi Arabia

Lecture on the importance of sustainable development goals
Week 1

Placed by muna bazara 2019/Oct/2
high school25
Asia Saudi Arabia

URL to Document

Create the best school garden
Week 2

Placed by Abdulmoniem Al-Abdullah 2019/Sep/14

URL to Document
