Psychological Impacts of Global Climate Change
Week 3

Placed by Malgorzata Kulesza 2021/Oct/14

URL to Document

How does climate change affect natural environment?
Week 2

Placed by Malgorzata Kulesza 2021/Oct/14

What are the causes of climate change ?
Week 1

Placed by Malgorzata Kulesza 2021/Oct/14

URL to Document

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Week 3 19376
Week 3

Placed by Agnieszka B 2021/Oct/13
Kolegium Europejskie
Europe Poland

URL to Video on OneDrive

The plan of activities to increase the awareness of school society
Week 2

Placed by Agnieszka B 2021/Oct/10
Kolegium Europejskie
Europe Poland

First meeting and brainstorming
Week 1

Placed by Agnieszka B 2021/Oct/10
Kolegium Europejskie
Europe Poland
