Global connections
Week 3

Placed by Diana Chișca 2022/Oct/24

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Action now!
Week 5

Placed by Victoria Donici 2022/Oct/23
,,Mihai Eminescu"Lyceum
Europe Moldova

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Climate Change Solutions
Week 4

Placed by Victoria Donici 2022/Oct/23
,,Mihai Eminescu"Lyceum
Europe Moldova

URL to Video on OneDrive

Climate Change Causes and Effects
Week 3

Placed by Victoria Donici 2022/Oct/23
,,Mihai Eminescu"Lyceum
Europe Moldova

URL to Video on OneDrive

Climate Change Effects
Week 2

Placed by Victoria Donici 2022/Oct/23
,,Mihai Eminescu"Lyceum
Europe Moldova

URL to Video on OneDrive

