
Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Ecaterina Timofti 2022/Oct/16

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Team "Smile", lyceum N. M. Spataru, Moldova, Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Larisa Gubina 2022/Oct/16

URL to Document
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Problemele de mediu la nivel global
Week 3

Placed by Mariana Jioara 2022/Oct/15

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Problemele de mediu la nivel global
Week 3

Placed by Mariana Jioara 2022/Oct/15

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Climate Action Project Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Ala Rosca 2022/Oct/15
IPLT "Alexandru Agapie"
Europe Moldova

The local effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Ala Ciubotaru 2022/Oct/13

URL to Document
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Climate Change in Moldova
Week 3

Placed by Tatiana Popa 2022/Oct/13

URL to Video on OneDrive
