Colegio Antonio L. Rodríguez Cambio Climático 2020
Week 4

Placed by DORA BOLAÑOS 2020/Oct/26
Colegio Antonio L. Rodriguez
South America Mexico

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Comenzando nuestro Proyecto
Week 4

Placed by Susana Navarro 2020/Oct/26
Colegio Valle de Filadelfia
North America Mexico

URL to Video on OneDrive

Week 3

Placed by DORA BOLAÑOS 2020/Oct/25
Colegio Antonio L. Rodriguez
South America Mexico

URL to Video on OneDrive

Week 4 activities
Week 4

Placed by María del Pilar Negrete Barajas 2020/Oct/24
Colegio Inglés Michael Faraday
North America Mexico

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Causas y efectos del cambio climático
Week 3

Placed by Monica Carmona Gomez 2020/Oct/24
Profr. Librado Rivera
North America Mexico
