Use data to predict the future impact of climate change.
Week 3

Placed by Deepika Sharma 2020/Oct/26
DPS International
Asia India

URL to Video on OneDrive

Connection of prior learning to new ideas.
Week 2

Placed by Deepika Sharma 2020/Oct/26
DPS International
Asia India

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Research to find the problems and the solutions.
Week 4

Placed by PAPEEHA WARKE 2020/Oct/26

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IISP x Lodha World School
Week 3

Placed by PAPEEHA WARKE 2020/Oct/26

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document

Climate Action Project by CNM School - XD
Week 2

Placed by Geetha Stephen 2020/Oct/26
CNM School
Asia India

URL to Document

Climate Action Project by CNM School - XD
Week 1

Placed by Geetha Stephen 2020/Oct/26
CNM School
Asia India

URL to Document

Climate Action Project [6D]
Week 1

Placed by Anagha Bhise 2020/Oct/26
Asia India

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document
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