Climate Change - Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Dina Ibrahim 2021/Oct/18

Climate Change - Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Dina Ibrahim 2021/Oct/18

Solutions for climate change
Week 4

Placed by Gareema Aggarwal 2021/Oct/18

Global impact of climate change
Week 3

Placed by Gareema Aggarwal 2021/Oct/18

Water Pollution
Week 3

Placed by Asha Thakkar 2021/Oct/18
Asia India

URL to Video on OneDrive

A video including students sharing solutions to Climate Change and a beautiful mime presented by two students on the same.
Week 4

Placed by Ranjana Harlalka 2021/Oct/18

URL to Video on OneDrive

Causes of Climate change.
Week 1

Placed by Misba Sayed 2021/Oct/18

URL to Document
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