Causes and Effects-Globally
Week 3

Placed by Aditi Vajandar 2021/Oct/29
CNM School
Asia India

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Action Week
Week 6

Placed by Sharika Shetty 2021/Oct/29

Solutions for Climate Change
Week 4

Placed by Sharika Shetty 2021/Oct/29

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Virtual webinar with Ms. Monisha Narke
Week 5

Placed by Sharika Shetty 2021/Oct/29

Causes and effects globally
Week 3

Placed by Sharika Shetty 2021/Oct/29

Possible solutions to the climate change.
Week 4

Placed by Munni Pant 2021/Oct/29
Munni Pant
Asia India

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Potential solutions based on climate change
Week 4

Placed by Archana Puri Archana Puri 2021/Oct/28

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