Change makers-Plantation drive and session with Student Mentor Ms Carla from Swedenen
Week 6

Placed by Meenakshi Malhotra 2021/Nov/8

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Causes, Evidence and how to manage Climate change.
Week 4

Placed by Amalarani Sivashankar 2021/Nov/8

URL to Document

Virtual Collaboration
Week 3

Placed by Varsha R 2021/Nov/8

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Taking actions
Week 5

Placed by Varsha R 2021/Nov/8

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Expert Workshop on Climate Awareness and Nest Making
Week 5

Placed by Monica Joshi 2021/Nov/8

URL to Video on OneDrive

Virtual Connection with students across the globe- SPMS CAP 2021 Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Monica Joshi 2021/Nov/8

URL to Video on OneDrive

Causes and Effects of Environmental Issues
Week 3

Placed by Ritu Verma 2021/Nov/8

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Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Ritu Verma 2021/Nov/8

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