El cambio climático afecta a nuestros paramos
Week 1

Placed by GINAS SUESCUN 2020/Oct/16
Colegio Diana Turbay
South America Colombia

Collaborative Board
Week 1

Placed by Lucely Figueroa 2020/Oct/15
IEM La Arboleda
South America Colombia

week 2 What are the effects of climate change?
Week 2

Placed by Lizmagda Lopez 2020/Oct/15
Institución Educativa El Castillo
South America Colombia

URL to Video on OneDrive

Efectos del Cambio Climático
Week 2

Placed by Emilia Lucia Visbal Pallares 2020/Oct/14
Bertha Suttner
South America Colombia

URL to Document

Proyecto Liricas de la montaña. Textos Ambientales.
Week 2

Placed by Freider yulian Trejos Villaneda 2020/Oct/14

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