Global warming local effects The region's rivers. The energy production and More frequent and intense storms causes environmental disasters.tourism.
Week 3

Placed by Marcia mundim 2022/Oct/15
Colégio Semeador
South America Brazil

Week 3

Placed by Paloma Meier 2022/Oct/14
colégio positivo
South America Brazil

Week 2 - CLIMATE ACTION PROJECT - 2022 - JV 6B01 & 8B01
Week 2

Placed by Suelen Cristina Ribeiro Magalhães 2022/Oct/13
Colégio Positivo
South America Brazil

URL to Video on OneDrive

Week 1 - JV 6B01 / 8B01 - Climate Action Project 2022
Week 1

Placed by Suelen Cristina Ribeiro Magalhães 2022/Oct/13
Colégio Positivo
South America Brazil

URL to Video on OneDrive
Log in to show Presentation file
