What is Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Connie Schutte 2017/Oct/11
North America USA

URL to Document

Dangerous Pollution
Week 2

Placed by Lucrecia Higueros 2017/Oct/10
Colegio Centroamericano
North America Guatemala

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Climate Action Project Site
Week 1

Placed by Lisa Scumpieru 2017/Oct/10

Week 1: What is climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Allison Haltom 2017/Oct/10
Brooks School Elementary
North America USA

URL to Document

What is climate change? P3
Week 1

Placed by Tamara Truax 2017/Oct/9
International School
North America USA

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What Does the term "climate change" mean?
Week 1

Placed by Michelle Ciccariello 2017/Oct/9

Global Warming & Climate Change Research Findings
Week 1

Placed by Heather Brothers 2017/Oct/9
St. Peter's Catholic High School
North America Canada
