Global Climate Change
Week 3

Placed by Benjamin Prylinski 2021/Apr/20
Northampton Middle School
North America USA

The Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Benjamin Prylinski 2021/Apr/20
Northampton Middle School
North America USA

The students designed plans for the city of Ottawa Zero Emission by 20250
Week 6

Placed by Rola Tibshirani 2021/Apr/15
St. Francis Xavier
North America Canada

List of Causes for Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Tawanda Brown 2021/Mar/25
Tri-Cities High School
North America USA

URL to Document

What is Climate Change and what are it's affects
Week 1

Placed by Tawanda Brown 2021/Mar/22
Tri-Cities High School
North America USA

URL to Document

What is Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Benjamin Prylinski 2021/Mar/4
Northampton Middle School
North America USA

Week 6

Placed by Jesús Fernández Naranjo 2020/Dec/4
North America Mexico

URL to Video on OneDrive

Virtual live interactions between students (share findings & solutions)
Week 5

Placed by Jesús Fernández Naranjo 2020/Dec/3
North America Mexico

URL to Video on OneDrive
Log in to show Presentation file
