Global warming
Week 2

Placed by Piia Martikainen 2018/Oct/15
Torkinmaki school
Europe Finland

URL to Video on OneDrive

We have a lot of problems.
Week 2

Placed by Anna Zubkovskaya 2018/Oct/14

URL to Document

Effects Climate Change, Ukraine
Week 2

Placed by Victoriya Shastun 2018/Oct/14

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Climate Change Effects
Week 2

Placed by Sophia Kouzouli 2018/Oct/14

Climate change in Portugal
Week 1

Placed by Patrícia Baltazar 2018/Oct/13
Michel Giacometti School
Europe Portugal

Secondary School Constantin Brancusi, Bucharest, Romania, teacher Cornelia Bataus
Week 1

Placed by Cornelia Bataus 2018/Oct/13

URL to Video on OneDrive

The Small Ecologists,Bucharest, Romania, teacher Cornelia Bataus
Week 2

Placed by Cornelia Bataus 2018/Oct/13

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Save the Earth Together
Week 1

Placed by Amy Bivin 2018/Oct/13
Istituto Marymount
Europe Italy

Blue Sky
Week 2

Placed by Betina Astride 2018/Oct/12

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